NASISP Members

Representing more than one million members, including school counselors, school nurses, psychologists, school psychologists, social workers, school social workers; occupational therapists, physical therapists, art therapists, dance/movement therapists, music therapists; speech-language pathologists and audiologists, NASISP members work with teachers, students, parents, and administrators to collaborate for student success.

The National Alliance of Specialized Instructional Support Personnel is comprised of the following 20 member organizations. To learn more about each organization or to connect with professional members of the organizations visit their websites.

American Art Therapy Association
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
American Council for School Social Work
Council for Exceptional Children
American Counseling Association
American Dance Therapy Association
National Association of Pupil Services Administration
American Federation of Teachers
National Association of School Nurses
American Music Therapy Association
National Association of School Psychologists
American Occupational Therapy Association
National Association of State Directors of Special Education
American Physical Therapy Association
National Association of Social Workers
American Psychological Association
National Educataion Association
American School Counselor Association
Council of Administrators of Special Education
School Social Work Association of America